15 great programming blogs you may not have heard about

The goal of this roundup is to help you discover new programming blogs that may not be insanely popular, but are still worth checking out. We won’t mention the obvious super stars such as Adam Bien, OverOps or JOOQ. Instead, we’ll shed some light on individual authors who put out great content, but haven’t gotten into major spotlight just yet.
I hope you’ll find the recommendations useful! (blogs appear in alphabetical order sorted by the author’s last name.)
1. The Pragmatic Integrator by Pascal Alma
Frequency – 1 post/month
Twitter – @paskal_1973 – 187 followers
#AWS #DevOps #API/REST #iOS/Swift
Pascal Alma is a senior developer from the Netherlands who writes about cloud technologies, DevOps issues, mobile development, and his experiences with developer tools and frameworks. Some of the frequently-covered topics on this blog include Amazon AWS, security, continuous delivery, and others.
2. Bozho’s Tech Blog by Bozhidar Bozhanov
Frequency – 2-3 posts/month
Twitter – @bozhobg – 6,586 followers
#opinions #API #web_applications #security
Bozhidar Bozhanov is a developer with a great deal of programming experience and a track record of contributing to various community and social causes (such as the e-government of Bulgaria.) His blog is broken into two main sections: Developer Tips and Opinions. You can find there everything from posts on protecting sensitive data to Bozhidar’s views on blockchain.
3. NIXMASH by Dave Burke
Frequency – anywhere from three to ten posts/month
Twitter – @daveburkevt – 867 followers
#Java #Microservices #Bootique #open_source #testing
Dave Burke is a developer from Burlington, Vermont who specializes in Java and microservice applications. The name of his blog, NixMash, is short for “Linux Mashup”. Dave mostly covers various open-source technologies he uses as a developer within the context of microservice-oriented architecture.
4. SourceVirtues.com by Adrianos Dadis
Frequency – several posts a year
Twitter – @qiozas – 37 followers
#Java #big_data #DevOps #Enterprise
Adrianos Dadis is an open-source software advocate from Greece who blogs on topics like Java and software integration, and posts coverages of local developer conferences. His blog touches upon a wide range of topics such as Big Data, Apache Storm, JavaEE, Linux, and others.
5. NETOPYR.com by Michael Heinrichs
Frequency – several posts a year
Twitter – @net0pyr – 1332 followers
#Java #JavaFX #UI
Michael Heinrichs is a Java developer who currently lives in Freiburg, Germany. He writes primarily about UI development, JavaFX, and similar matters. Besides, Michael curates content for his JavaFX Daily Paper.li column and speaks at various industry events.
6. Petri Kainulainen’s blog
Frequency – 4-6 posts/month
Twitter – @petrikainulaine – 2737 followers
#Java #testing #Spring_framework
Petri Kainulainen is Java developer from Finland who blogs on topics like continuous integration, testing and developer tools/frameworks. He also writes books and presents at different live events.
7. > performant code_ by Grzegorz Mirek
Frequency – several posts a month
Twitter – @grzegorz_mirek – 8 followers
#Java #JavaScript #full_stack #performance
Grzegorz Mirek is a Java and JavaScript developer who writes about performance optimization (I guess you could figure that out from the blog’s name), concurrency, and related topics. For the most part, he does practice-oriented posts that tackle certain problems developers face in their every-day work.
8. Brewing Codes by Ivan Mushketyk
Frequency – 2-3 posts/month on average
Twitter – @mushketyk – 253 followers
#databases #software_architectures #Apache_Flink
Ivan is a polyglot developer who has experience with Python, Java, and Go programming languages. He’s also a contributor to open software and has worked extensively on Apache Flink and Gatling projects. In addition, Ivan creates online courses for Pluralsight and acts as a guest blogger for a number online resources in the industry.
9. A blog by Indrek Ots
Frequency – once a month
Twitter – @otsindrek – 75 followers
#Java #Dropwizard #Springboot
Indrek Ots is a software developer from Estonia who, in addition to his programming career, runs his own software development blog. While Indrek is also interested in hardware hacking and machine learning, he writes about his experiences with Java frameworks, shares different things you can do in Java, and more.
10. {devmind} by Andriy Redko
Frequency – every other month
Twitter – n/a
#API #REST_architecture #Microservices #integration
Andriy Redko is a seasoned polyglot developer living in Quebec, Canada. He has experience with various programming languages and technologies. On his blog, Andriy writes about approaches to software design, tools of the trade and frameworks, testing, microservices, integration techniques, and more.
11. Jakub Staš’s blog
Frequency – from 5 to 10 posts annually
Twitter – @jakub_stas – 51 followers
#Java #bots #robotics #AWS_certification #Spring_certification
Jakub Staš calls himself a “Java technology enthusiast” and he’s currently based in Dublin, Ireland. On his blog, he does Java tutorials, book and certification reviews, and posts other cool practical stuff such as Building Your Own Slack Bot.
12. The Art of Coding by Gualtiero Testa
Frequency – from 3 to 9 posts annually
Twitter – @gualtierotesta – 21 followers
#Testing #tools #Mockito #Netbeans #TDD
Gualtiero Testa is a software architect from Milan, Italy who takes interest in TDD and different software testing methodologies. On his blog, one finds plenty of detailed tutorials on Netbeans, Mockito, Jenkins, etc. There are also book reviews and other helpful resources published there.
13. A blog by Gregor Trefs
Frequency – a post every other month
Twitter – @gtrefs – 192 followers
#Functional_programming #Java #Scala #conferences
Gregor Trefs takes interest in functional extensions of Java, and is currently trying out Scala. He’s also one of the key organizers of the local JUG in Mannheim, Germany. On Gregor’s blog you find posts on various programming topics “with functional flavored code”.
14. Ted Vinke‘s Blog
Frequency – a post or two every other month
Twitter – @tvinke – 211
#Groovy #Grails #Java
Ted Vinke is a polyglot software developer from the Netherlands who blogs on a rather wide variety of topics from the Grails framework to Springboot, to Mockito, to X-mas musings. Ted’s blog posts are also available on his Medium blog, should you prefer this platform for some reason.
15. Fruzenshtein Notes by Alexey Zvolinskiy
Frequency – up to several posts each month
Twitter – @Fruzenshtein – 289 followers
#Scala #Akka #Java
Alexey Zvolinskiy (aka Alex Fruzenstein) is a developer and mathematician living in Kiev, Ukraine. His main areas of interest are server-side solutions and back-end engineering. Alex also favors Scala over Java, while he has experience with both languages. On his blog, you will find many fine article on Scala – and the Akka toolkit in particular.
Do you know any other lesser-known programming blogs that are worth reading? Are you a developer/blogger? Feel free to share the link(s) in the comments!
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