If you need to create a request for proposal (RFP) to send to software vendors and don't know where to start, please consider using our free template. A well-prepared RFP will help you identify a vendor with the right kind of expertise faster.

If you need to create a request for proposal (RFP) to send to software vendors and don't know where to start, please consider using our free template. A well-prepared RFP will help you identify a vendor with the right kind of expertise faster.
When a company needs to extend its IT expertise beyond its in-house capabilities, it turns to external software vendors for help. While the company may look okay, there are some non-obvious red flags to watch out for as you conduct your research.
Government IT projects are best known for their multi-million-dollar budgets. They also tend to run for years on end and, when they fail, it creates a lot of controversy in the media, because there is taxpayers’ money involved. But why do they fail
Automation and digitalization are coming to verticals across the board. But there is one industry where adoption of the latest technologies has been notoriously slow: the legal vertical.
We have put together this article by talking to the people involved in software modernization projects (in leading positions) here at ObjectStyle. The goal is to help decision-makers choose an optimal software modernization strategy.
While remote work is a skill, another thing that can make or break your work's success is the tools you use. An average distributed company uses a combination of different apps. Below we describe 25 useful instruments for remote teams.