Researchers predict that, by 2040, machine-generated code (MGC) could become as common as artificial intelligence in today’s devices.

Researchers predict that, by 2040, machine-generated code (MGC) could become as common as artificial intelligence in today’s devices.
It’s amazing how much one can learn from a single book, often priced around $10.00 (especially if it’s a Kindle edition). If you are on a path of upgrading yourself and advancing your knowledge as a CTO, this carefully-curated list is for you!
The goal of this roundup is to help you discover new programming blogs that may not be insanely popular, but are still worth checking out. Let's shed some light on individual authors who put out great content, but haven't gotten into major sp
Ruslan has been with ObjectStyle since 2016. When he's not busy writing code, he heads Belarus Kotlin User Group and talks about the language at various conferences. In this interview, we discuss why Ruslan took up Kotlin and how he sees it futur