Top IT service companies that contribute to open-source: 10 names to know

When they are not busy building the next great thing for their clients, these professional services firms engage in open-source development.
In this roundup, we highlight 10 info tech service companies that, in addition to everything they do, create great open-source software built for developers, by developers. The companies are listed in no particular order. Let’s go!
HQ location: Fairfield, CT, USA
Year founded: 2002
ObjectStyle is a software development agency that owes its very existence to the world of open source. The company emerged as a consultancy built around Apache Cayenne – a free, open-source ORM solution launched in 2001. With time, ObjectStyle evolved into a fully-fledged professional services agency.
These days, ObjectStyle offers a variety of IT services like software architecture design, technology consulting, IT project management, DevSecOps, and IT staff augmentation, among others.
Featured open-source projects by ObjectStyle
❇️ Bootique is a minimally-opinionated framework for runnable Java applications.
❇️ Agrest is an open-source protocol and framework for REST data services.
❇️ Apache Cayenne is an object-to-relational mapping solution for Java built with DB-first approach in mind.
HQ location: Chicago, IL, USA
Year founded: 1993
Thoughtworks is a global technology consultancy that helps clients with IT strategy, digital product design, and software product engineering, among other things. The company operates in the form of distributed cross-functional teams, spread out across 17 countries.
Just like other IT firms on this list, it is committed to open-source development and has an array of CI/CD, machine learning, security, and other solutions under its belt.
Featured open-source projects by Thoughtworks
❇️ Nevergreen is a smart build monitor that only shows you projects that have failed or are building.
❇️ EmoPy is a deep neural net toolkit for facial expression analysis.
❇️ Mountebank is the first tool to provide cross-platform, multiprotocol test doubles over the wire.
HQ location: Poznań, Poland
Year founded: 2008
Netguru is a fast-growing digital consultancy in Poznań, Poland. The company’s key areas of expertise are web development, product design, UI/UX design, and machine learning.
In just over ten years, Netguru went from a small software startup to a recognizable name in the IT services world, especially in the European Union.
Featured open-source projects by Netguru
❇️ ResponseDetective is a framework for intercepting outgoing requests and incoming responses between your app and your server for debugging purposes.
❇️ Kissme is an open-source library for simplified encrypted key-value storage.
HQ location: Dublin, the Republic of Ireland
Year founded: 1989
Accenture is a multinational IT services company that barely needs an introduction. Its services range from software development, to cloud services, to BPO.
And, with numerous offices across five continents, Accenture – like most big players in the market – does give back to the community by investing in open source software.
Featured open-source projects by Accenture
❇️ AmpliGraph is a Python library for representation learning on knowledge graphs.
❇️ ADOP (Accenture DevOps Platform) is a tools environment for continuously testing, releasing and maintaining applications.
❇️ Hyperledger Cactus is a framework that lets you transact on multiple distributed ledgers without a competing blockchain.
Octo Consulting
HQ location: Reston, VA, USA
Year founded: 2006
Octo Consulting is a tech advisory firm focused on partnerships with US Federal Government agencies. In 2019, Octo acquired open-source development firm Connexta to support its dot-gov customers in moving away from traditional enterprise license agreements to an open-source future.
Octo Consulting runs oLabs, an innovation and experimentation division, whose job is to create product prototypes and test hypotheses.
Featured open-source projects by Octo Consulting
❇️ Alliance is the world’s first open source software for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) data sharing and discovery.
❇️ Jinsoku is an AI-based information retrieval framework.
Levigo Solutions GMBH
HQ location: Holzgerlingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Year founded: 1997
Levigo is a German company that provides IT services as well as makes software products. For example, Levigo is the vendor behind the Jadice family of document management solutions targeted at ECM (Enterprise Content Management) users.
The company also specializes in creating IT infrastructures for mid-size businesses, providing IT security solutions, and cloud technologies.
Featured open-source projects by Levigo
❇️ Neverpile is the layer that adds ECM features to simple cloud storage services.
❇️ Apache PDFBox is an open-source Java tool for working with PDF documents.
HQ location: Paris, France
Year founded: 1967
Capgemini is France-born tech giant that employs over 300,000 people worldwide and operates multiple subsidiary companies. Its professional services division, Sogeti, was originally founded in 1967 as “Société pour la Gestion de l’Entreprise et le Traitement de l‘Information” (SoGeTI) and remains, to this day, an IT consulting-focused subsidiary of the parent company.
Capgemini is invested in open software development, for example with its open-source project devonfw and through its contributions to Drupal.
Featured open-source projects by Capgemini
❇️ DCX React Library is a style-agnostic set of components ready to use in a project.
❇️ devonfw is a standardized architecture blueprint for state-of-the-art cloud native (micro-) services and multi-platform rich client applications.
HQ location: Amersfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Year founded: 2002
Luminis is a Dutch software and technology company with offices across the Netherlands and the UK. In addition to providing IT services and consulting, Luminis develops its own products related to the cloud, IoT, data intelligence, eSports, and e-learning. It also has an assortment of training courses for IT specialists and management.
Luminis is a part of the Amdatu Foundation, a group of Dutch organizations whose aim is to foster a community involved in the development of scalable and robust applications using dynamic modular services architectures.
Featured open-source projects by Luminis
❇️ Amdatu, a collection of open-source components and development tools for modular, iterative app development.
❇️ InformationGrid, a robust and secure Data-as-as-Service platform.
HQ location: Newtown, PA, USA
Year founded: 1993
EPAM is a notable player in the professional services world. It went from a small startup founded by two school friends to a company with 60,000 employees spanning six continents.
EPAM’s service offerings include IT consulting, engineering, delivery, test automation, BPO, and security services, among others. And, just like other do-good companies on this list, EPAM is committed to open-source development.
Featured open-source projects by EPAM
❇️ Vividus is a solution for automating testing scenarios and making them a part of CI/CD.
❇️ Indigo is a stereochemistry toolkit for molecular fingerprinting, similarity search and molecular visualization.
HQ location: A Coruña, Galicia, Spain
Year founded: 2001
Igalia is an open source consultancy and web development company. On the one hand, it takes part in lots of open source projects covering areas like web development, graphics rendering, networking and software engineering, and cloud infrastructures. On the other hand, it provides IT consulting and development services, as well as training and integration help.
From Igalia’s website: “Igalia was founded […] by a group of ten young software professionals. They were inspired by their experience in free software, and shared the goal of creating a free software company based on cooperation, innovation, and shared responsibility.” Igalia takes part in standards bodies (W3C, WHATWG, ECMA/TC39, IETF, Kronos) and actively contributes to a number of household-name open-source projects.
Featured open-source projects by Igalia
❇️ Igalia is the second largest contributor to WebKit (after Apple). Igalia’s developers created WPE WebKit, an official port of WebKit that is highly optimized for low-power and resource constrained devices.
❇️ Igalia is listed among the original authors of Chromium open-source web browser technology, alongside Google, Microsoft, and Yandex.
Below please find our summary of top IT service providers actively engaged in open source development.
Name | Key services | Year founded | HQ location | Open-source projects |
ObjectStyle | Software architectures, custom app delivery | 2002 | Fairfield, CT, USA | Bootique, Agrest, Apache Cayenne |
Thoughtworks | IT strategy, software engineering | 1993 | Chicago, IL, USA | Nevergreen, EmoPy, Mountebank |
Netguru | Web development, UI/UX design | 2008 | Poznań, Poland | ResponseDetective, Kissme |
Accenture | IT consulting, software engineering | 1989 | Dublin, Ireland | AmpliGraph, ADOP, HL Cactus |
Octo Consulting | IT consulting for government firms | 2006 | Reston, VA, USA | Alliance, Jinsoku |
Levigo | IT services, EMC software products | 1997 | Holzgerlingen, Germany | Neverpile, Apache PDFBox |
Capgemini | IT consulting, software engineering | 1967 | Paris, France | DCX React Library, devonfw |
Luminis | IT services and consulting | 2002 | Amersfoort, Netherlands | Amdatu, InformationGrid |
EPAM | IT consulting, software engineering | 1993 | Newtown, PA, USA | Vividus, Indigo |
Igalia | Open source consulting and development | 2001 | A Coruña, Spain | WPE WebKit, Chromium |