NYT Open Source Science Fair 2015

The New York Times held its 3rd Open Source Science Fair on July 15th.
NYT OSSF is a great event for open source projects to showcase their technologies in a format similar to a school science fair.
The event started with a keynote by Hilary Mason about the power of open source development and open data, followed by the projects exhibition. There were participants from NYPL, MIT, Mozilla and a number of independent developers.
Andrus Adamchik presented Apache Cayenne, a technology that started ObjectStyle back in the day.
The actual fun started a few weeks before the event with the stand preparation. All the drawings were done by an 8 y.o. girl. A real science fair!
Our story was how Cayenne is different from the competition (JPA, etc.) with its built-in DI container, transparent transaction handling, and no class enhancement or dynamic proxies. We also presented an open-source RESTful microservices stack built on top of Cayenne, based on LinkRest (now Agrest) and LinkMove frameworks.
Photo credits: Tony Giaccone