Radical Candor is a book, a framework, and a consultancy by Kim Scott, an ex-Google and ex-Apple employee. The experiences she had while working at Silicon Valley inspired Scott to explore the management aspect of the software engineering industry.

Radical Candor is a book, a framework, and a consultancy by Kim Scott, an ex-Google and ex-Apple employee. The experiences she had while working at Silicon Valley inspired Scott to explore the management aspect of the software engineering industry.
While some of the trends remain from last year, let’s see what is gaining popularity/traction as this year comes to a close and the year 2020 emerges on the horizon.
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When a company needs to extend its IT expertise beyond its in-house capabilities, it turns to external software vendors for help. While the company may look okay, there are some non-obvious red flags to watch out for as you conduct your research.
The world would be a better place if everyone were doing what they’re predisposed to do. If you are a programmer and are having doubts about becoming a manager, this post may help you decide if you’re cut out for the role and what to expect from
Government IT projects are best known for their multi-million-dollar budgets. They also tend to run for years on end and, when they fail, it creates a lot of controversy in the media, because there is taxpayers’ money involved. But why do they fail