A lot has been happening in the software testing universe lately – in part, thanks to the improvements in AI technologies; in part, because of the shifting software engineering practices that call for breaking old silos.
Alesia Krush
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AI writing computer code may be a norm by 2040 – is the IT industry ready for it?
Researchers predict that, by 2040, machine-generated code (MGC) could become as common as artificial intelligence in today’s devices.
A cloud migration glossary: 50 essential terms
Sometimes, when software engineers/DevOps talk about cloud migration, they use professional jargon that is not immediately obvious to those unfamiliar with the subject. So we decided to put together a glossary of such terms.
Web Design Trends 2022: Bring in the Colors
Now that 2021 is coming to an end, we are seeing a lot of designers moving in various directions, following their unique paths.
Seven reasons to send your next IT project to Poland
It’s common knowledge that demand drives supply. For the past few decades, the demand for IT talent has increased exponentially.
CTO books: top 25 titles to read in 2021
It’s amazing how much one can learn from a single book, often priced around $10.00 (especially if it’s a Kindle edition). If you are on a path of upgrading yourself and advancing your knowledge as a CTO, this carefully-curated list is for you!