Custom Enterprise Software Development Company

ObjectStyle helps large organizations meet all of their custom enterprise software needs, supporting digital transformation, innovation, and growth.

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A perspective view of modern high-rise office buildings with reflective glass windows under a clear blue sky, representing enterprise software development and technological innovation.

Trusted by:

NHL logo The NHL

Supporting the league's back-office & fan-facing apps since 2006.

Wikipedia logo Wikipedia

Upgrading the online encyclopedia's CI/CD infrastructure.

Lucidworks logo Lucidworks

Professional services and solution engineering for Fusion search.

Enterprise Software Development Services

ObjectStyle offers a full range of enterprise software development services tailored to the unique needs of each client, ensuring seamless integration into existing business infrastructure.

Back-Office Application Development

Our back-office application development services create software solutions to support the internal operations of enterprise organizations, ultimately increasing efficiency and scalability.

Through custom enterprise application development, we help businesses streamline, automate, and optimize various back-office functions, including administrative, financial, HR, and supply chain management processes.

Legacy Software Modernization

Many enterprise organizations employ outdated legacy software solutions, which need to be updated in order to add features, improve functionality, and reduce maintenance costs.

We modernize legacy systems from the ground up, updating their technical architecture and migrating them to more cost-effective and secure infrastructure.

Custom CMS Development

We provide enterprise CMS development services tailored to meet the specific content management needs of large organizations.

The custom CMS solutions we provide help businesses manage and streamline the creation, storage, publication, and sharing of digital content across all relevant channels, both internal and external.

Enterprise Application Integration

Our enterprise application integration services aim to create a unified enterprise software ecosystem that’s conducive to growth.

By implementing techniques like writing integration code to unite disparate systems, we seamlessly connect and integrate enterprise applications to improve interoperability and streamline essential business processes.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solutions

ObjectStyle’s custom ERP software solutions provide scalable frameworks for integrated software management that optimize an organization's core resource-related business processes.

These solutions facilitate real-time data sharing and collaboration across departments, improving operational efficiency and decision-making for finance, human resource, supply chain, and customer relationship management.

IAM System

Enterprise organizations need identity and access management (IAM) systems to efficiently manage large numbers of users and control access across numerous systems and applications.

We offer effective IAM integration solutions to help businesses ensure secure user authentication and authorization, enhancing security while improving user experience.

Cloud Strategy Development

We transform enterprise businesses through cloud strategy development, helping them optimize their IT infrastructure, boost scalability, and improve cost efficiency by leveraging cloud technologies.

ObjectStyle’s team of cloud strategy consultants helps with seamless migration to full cloud or hybrid infrastructure, ensuring security, compliance, and flexibility.

Software Architecture Development

Our software architecture development services involve designing the high-level structure of custom enterprise software systems.

From defining the system’s components, relationships, and interactions, to selecting the appropriate architectural patterns and technologies to meet the system’s requirements, we ensure scalability, reliability, and performance at all levels.

EHR Solutions Development

Enterprise healthcare organizations can benefit greatly from implementing electronic health record (EHR) solutions to increase operational efficiency.

ObjectStyle offers bespoke EHR development services to help healthcare organizations modernize their health record systems, ultimately improving patient care coordination, optimizing workflows, reducing administrative burdens, and minimizing errors.

Build vs. Buy: Enterprise Software Dilemma

Organizations must decide between buying ready-made and building custom enterprise software. These self-assessment statements might help.

Criterion Build Software Buy Software
Your business processes are unique compared to industry standards yes no
Off-the-shelf solutions meet at least 80% of your requirements no yes
You anticipate needing frequent updates or new features yes no
You are on a tight deadline no yes
You want full control over the software’s features, functionalities, and updates yes no
There are many success stories in your industry with using ready-made solutions no yes
You need seamless integration and compatibility with existing systems yes no
You handle sensitive information and have specific security requirements yes no

Our Approach to Enterprise Software Development

As a custom enterprise software development company, ObjectStyle is dedicated to ensuring each solution fits seamlessly into the client’s existing infrastructure, which we do by:

  • Always looking at the bigger picture
  • Planning for growth and building scalability in
  • Future-proofing solutions
  • Selecting the optimal ways to solve specific problems
  • Prioritizing integration and aligning with business objectives

“We are not merely a contractor who does as they are told—we analyze your entire system and do our part to customize and integrate the required components while keeping in mind how it may affect other parts of the system.”

— Andrus Adamchik, ObjectStyle Founder

Enterprise Software Development Best Practices

We follow best practices in order to ensure reliability, scalability, security, and alignment with your business goals, making us a leading custom enterprise software development company.

Accounting for Scale and Complexity

1. Accounting for Scale and Complexity

We design software to support large-scale operations, ensuring it integrates seamlessly with multiple existing systems within the organization when it needs to.

Enterprise software needs to handle large volumes of data and has other extensive, often complex, requirements, and we design custom enterprise solutions that are up to the task.

Meeting Requirements From Multiple Stakeholders

2. Meeting Requirements From Multiple Stakeholders

Custom enterprise software development involves meeting varied requirements from stakeholders in multiple departments, including IT, operations, and finance.

To ensure our software addresses these diverse sets of needs, we implement a collaborative requirements-gathering process, ensuring all perspectives are considered and aligning the software with stakeholder requirements across the broader organization.

Ensuring Security and Compliance

3. Ensuring Security and Compliance

Given the sensitivity and volume of data managed, large organizations have strict enterprise data security protocols and often must comply with industry and government regulations.

We ensure security and compliance throughout the enterprise software development lifecycle, conducting regular security audits, implementing robust encryption, and adhering to industry-specific regulations and standards.

Using Multi-Stage Development and Deployment

4. Using Multi-Stage Development and Deployment

We implement multi-stage development and software deployment strategies, such as continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), for seamless, efficient delivery.

These strategies allow code changes to be automatically tested and deployed across development, staging, and production environments, minimizing disruptions and maintaining system integrity through automated testing and incremental releases.

Building In Customization and Scalability

5. Building In Customization and Scalability

Enterprise software often requires significant customization to fit specific organizational workflows. It should also be easily scalable, so it can adapt to changing business requirements over time.

We design flexible, future-proof systems with customizable components and scalable architectures, ensuring continued performance and facilitating adjustments and expansions as business needs evolve.

Our Enterprise Software Development Flow

We take a methodical approach to enterprise software development, ensuring our solutions align with all system requirements, security protocols, and stakeholder needs. This proven process guarantees the delivery of high-quality software products that meet the organization's unique needs and expectations.

Demonstration of the process of Objectstyle's Enterprise Software Development Flow.


Discovery involves detailed engagement with the client to define the enterprise software development project’s core requirements and objectives.

  • Define project objectives
  • Gather & analyze product requirements
  • Assess project feasibility & risks

Design & Architecture

During this phase, we define the enterprise system’s overall design and interface, creating robust system architectures.

  • Create system architecture
  • Design user interface (UI)
  • Ensure smooth user experience (UX)


This is when we turn the design that was created during the previous stage into functional software.

  • Write unit tests for functionality
  • Write code & conduct code reviews
  • Implement custom product features


Next, we employ comprehensive testing strategies, ensuring the custom enterprise software meets all functional and technical requirements.

  • Perform enterprise software quality assurance (QA)
  • Test performance, security, & usability
  • Verify bug fixes & perform version control


After testing, we implement final changes and release the product to its end users.

  • Agree on key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Create rollback plan for errors
  • Perform deployment and post-release testing


Finally, we perform continuous monitoring, maintaining and updating the software to meet evolving needs.

  • Monitor, fix bugs, & update software
  • Enhance software per client’s evolving needs
  • Provide on-demand support & maintenance

How We Can Work Together

An Extension of Your IT Department

An Extension of Your IT Department

We collaborate closely with your organization’s IT department, becoming an extension of your team. We strive to understand your unique needs and adapt our enterprise software development methodologies to fit those needs.

A Dedicated Development Team

A Dedicated Development Team

We fully staff a cross-functional enterprise software development team for your project, ensuring we deliver flexible solutions that meet all your requirements and specifications, on time and within budget.

An Implementation Partner

An Implementation Partner

ObjectStyle is an experienced custom enterprise software implementation partner with a track record of helping large organizations improve their core technologies and processes to optimize essential operations at scale.

Recent Recognition

We are honoured to have received top ratings from long-time industry players like Clutch and Aciety.

global award spring 2024
top app modernization service 2024 award
top staff augmentation company 2024 award
nomination top10 web applications development 2024
nomination top10 enterprise solutions development 2024
nomination top10 devops services 2024

Why Work with ObjectStyle

At ObjectStyle, we have extensive experience collaborating with enterprise organizations on their large-scale digital transformations. We provide flexible, fully custom enterprise solutions that improve workflows, productivity, and overall business efficiency.

Flexible Engagement Models

ObjectStyle offers a range of engagement models tailored to your needs, whether you require a dedicated team, staff augmentation, or consultancy services. We adapt to your project requirements and budget.

More Than Two Decades of Experience

With over 20 years in the industry, ObjectStyle has successfully delivered custom enterprise solutions time after time. Our extensive experience ensures that we can handle even the most complex projects.

Experience with Challenging Enterprise Use Cases

ObjectStyle has tackled a wide range of challenging enterprise use cases, from highly complex integrations to large-scale system migrations. Our expertise allows us to confidently address your organization's unique challenges.

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Tech Stack for Enterprise Software Development

We leverage trusted tools and frameworks to deliver high-quality, future-proof enterprise software solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients and their end users.

Programming Languages
java logo Java
javascript logo JavaScript
cplusplus logo C++
scala logo Scala
kotlin logo Kotlin
Typescript logo Typescript
python logo Python
Swift logo Swift
react logo React
Sass logo Sass
Less logo Less
Redux logo Redux
Next.js logo Next.js
Jquery logo Jquery
Sencha logo Sencha
Serverless logo Serverless
Antlr logo Antlr
Testcontainers logo Testcontainers
Spring logo Spring
Machine Learning
Keras logo Keras
Tensorflow logo Tensorflow
Pandas logo Pandas
Scikit-Learn logo Scikit-Learn
Data Engineering
Apache Spark logo Apache Spark
Kafka logo Kafka
Flink logo Flink
Kinesis logo Kinesis
MySQL logo MySQL
SQL Server logo SQL Server
Postgresql logo Postgresql
Nosql logo Nosql
Argo logo Argo
Kubernetes logo Kubernetes
Terraform logo Terraform
Authored by Objectstyle
Apache Cayenne logo Apache Cayenne
Bootique logo Bootique
Agrest logo Agrest
Linkmove logo Linkmove
DFlib logo DFlib

Enterprise Software Development Portfolio

Integrating edu platform with third-party apps

Integrating B2B platform with external services

We integrated a leading ed-tech platform with third-party accounting, marketing, and teaching automation tools, improving functionality without compromising its core architecture or front-end performance.

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Creating an enterprise-wide IAM system

Creating an enterprise-wide IAM system

While working with a major US-based sports organization, we architectured a company-wide identity and access management (IAM) system to better handle internal authentication and authorization.

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Modernizing a B2B system

Modernizing a B2B system

During this project for a popular ed-tech platform, we implemented a range of solutions to modernize legacy systems, add features and functionalities, and improve scalability.

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A multi-channel enterprise CMS for a sports league

A multi-channel enterprise CMS for a sports league

For our large US-based sports league client, we built a fully custom, enterprise-ready content management system (CMS) to meet all their cross-channel content publishing needs.

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Migrating enterprise client's datacenter, ensuring compliance

Migrating enterprise client's datacenter, ensuring compliance

We migrated a major sports league’s on-premises datacenter to a new location, migrating data with personally identifiable information (PII) to the cloud and improving compliance.

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Upgrading a client's back-office app

Upgrading a client's back-office app

We built a custom browser-based scheduling app, with a focus on mobile accessibility, to modernize a major sports organization’s back-office processes related to officiating games.

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Get Started Now

1. Contact Us

Fill out the NDA-protected contact form, select a calendar time that works for you, and book a Zoom call with our team.

2. Get a Free Consultation

Hop on the call with one of our enterprise software development experts to discuss your project and assess its feasibility, free of charge.

3. Get a Detailed Project Estimate

After thoroughly analyzing your project’s requirements and goals, we’ll provide a proposal that contains team member rates and man-hour estimates.

4. We Are Ready To Start!

Once you accept our proposal and sign off on the project, we’ll put together a perfectly tailored multi-disciplinary team and get to work!

Featured Insights

Check out some of our most popular enterprise software development blogs for valuable insights into everything from estimating project prices to saving money with cloud-based services.

25 content management systems for enterprise companies

25 content management systems for enterprise companies

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In the cloud, everyone is looking to save

In the cloud, everyone is looking to save

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25 content management systems for enterprise companies

Estimating a Software Project

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Book a 30-minute, free-of-charge consultation with an expert

Discover how you can benefit from ObjectStyle’s twenty+ years of IT experience and learn your options.


    Enterprise Software Development FAQs

    What is custom enterprise software?

    Custom enterprise software is a tailored solution designed to meet the unique needs and fit the specialized workflows of a specific organization.

    Unlike off-the-shelf enterprise software, these custom solutions are developed to address the particular challenges, processes, and objectives of the business, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems and alignment with business goals.

    Custom enterprise software improves efficiency, scalability, and flexibility, providing a competitive advantage by optimizing the organization's operational processes. It supports large-scale operations, manages extensive data, and adapts to evolving business needs, delivering a personalized, future-proof software solution.

    What was the highest-load enterprise system you ever dealt with?

    Our development and infrastructure teams are actively working on an enterprise client's main website, which experiences a peak load of 4k+ requests per second during the season.

    This high-traffic environment demands robust architecture and exceptional performance optimization. We ensure the system can handle massive user activity, providing seamless access to real-time data, live updates, and interactive features.

    Our expertise in managing such high-load systems demonstrates our ability to deliver reliable, scalable, and high-performance custom enterprise software solutions that meet the demands of even the most challenging scenarios.

    Can you work alongside other vendors and our internal teams?

    Definitely! It’s actually quite common for our team to be integrated into internal corporate management structures. We excel at collaborating closely with internal teams and other vendors to ensure a cohesive and efficient project workflow.

    Our approach to this type of cross-functional collaboration includes clear communication, regular updates, and synchronized efforts with all parties involved.

    This collaborative method allows us to address any challenges promptly, leverage diverse expertise, and ensure that the software development process aligns with your organizational goals and standards, ultimately delivering a seamless and successful project outcome.

    I'm anxious about giving access to our system to a third party—can you guarantee security won't be compromised?

    We understand your concerns about security. At ObjectStyle, we take a minimal required access approach to enterprise software development, ensuring our engineers only request the permissions required for their specific tasks. Access and permissions are always controlled by the client, allowing you to maintain your complete oversight.

    We adhere to the latest best security practices internally and are fully prepared to comply with any specific security standards required by our customers. Our commitment to stringent security protocols ensures that your system and data remain secure while we deliver our services.

    Do you have experience customizing out-of-the-box enterprise software?

    We sure do! We have extensive experience providing solutions based on enterprise products such as Lucidworks Fusion, Redis Enterprise, and Oystehr, often serving as their delivery and professional services partner.

    Additionally, we regularly implement customizations of enterprise-grade open-source products, like Keycloak, for our clients. Our expertise in tailoring these solutions ensures that they meet the unique requirements of your organization, enhancing functionality and integration within existing enterprise systems.

    Whether it's proprietary or open-source software, we excel at customizing existing enterprise software to align with your specific business needs and goals.

    Our vendors are thoroughly vetted—are you ready to go through the process?

    Absolutely. We’ve been through highly demanding vendor onboarding processes with major enterprise clients, including a well-known Big 4 professional services company, which has a notoriously complex multi-step vendor verification process.

    We understand that choosing an enterprise software development company to work with is a big decision and commitment, and every organization has their own vetting and onboarding steps they need to complete for security.

    We’re ready to work hand-in-hand with you, providing detailed documentation and support, to ensure that our partnership is the right fit and that our collaboration goes smoothly from start to finish!